- Animalia
- Arthropoda
- Insecta
- Pterygota
- Neoptera
- Polyneoptera
- Notoptera
- Grylloblattodea
- Grylloblattina
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914
Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914
Grylloblatta Walker, 1914 type genus of Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914
Nomenclature (34)
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914: 93.
type genus Grylloblatta Walker, 1914
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Crampton, 1915: 347.
- ... Show all ... (30)
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Caudell & King, 1924
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Silvestri, 1927
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Silvestri, 1931
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Walker, 1937
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Gurney, 1937
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Gurney, 1948
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Gurney, 1953
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Asahina, 1959
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Gurney, 1961
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Kamp, 1963
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Namkung, 1974
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Namkung, 1974
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Rasnitsyn, 1976
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Pravdin & Storozhenko, 1977
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Storozhenko, 1986
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Storozhenko, 1988
- Grylloplattidae [sic] Walker, 1914 in Storozhenko, 1988: 167.
- Grylloplattidae [sic] Walker, 1914 (misspelling of Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914) in Storozhenko, 1988: 167.
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Namkung, 1989
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Storozhenko, 1995: 19.
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Storozhenko, 1998: 178-186.
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Vrsansky, Storozhenko, Labandeira & Ihringova, 2001
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Storozhenko & Park, 2002: 18.
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Storozhenko, 2002
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Kim & Lee, 2006
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Kim & Lee, 2007
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Cui, 2012
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Schoville, 2012
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Schoville, Uchifune & Machida, 2013
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Storozhenko & Aristov, 2014
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Schoville, 2014
- Grylloblattidae Walker, 1914 in Marshall & Lytle, 2015
Nomenclature references (32)
- Asahina, S. (1959) Descriptions of two new Grylloblattidae from Japan. 27, 249–252.
- Caudell, A.N. & King, J.L. (1924) A new genus and species of the notopterous family Grylloblattidae from Japan. 26, 53–60.
- ... Show all ... (28)
- Crampton, G.C. (1915) The Thoracic Sclerites and the Systematic Position of Grylloblatta campodeiformis Walker, a Remarkable Annectent, "Orthopteroid" Insect. 26 (10), 337–351.
- Cui, Y. (2012) New data on the Blattogryllidae-Plesioblattogryllidae-Grylloblattidae complex (Insecta: Grylloblattida: Blattogryllopterida tax.n.). 70(3), 167–180. Available at http://www.senckenberg.de/files/content/forschung/publikationen/arthropodsystematics/asp_70_3/02_asp_70_3_cui_167-180.pdf
- Gurney, A.B. (1937) Synopsis of the Grylloblattidae with the description of a new species from Oregon (Orthoptera). 13, 159–171.
- Gurney, A.B. (1948) The taxonomy and distribution of the Grylloblattidao (Orthoptera). 50, 86–102.
- Gurney, A.B. (1953) Recent advances in the taxonomy and dis-tribution of Grylloblatta (Orthoptera: Grylloblattidae). 43, 325–332.
- Gurney, A.B. (1961) Further advances in the taxonomy and distribution of the Grylloblattidae (Orthoptera). 74, 67–76. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/34571185#page/91/mode/1up
- Kamp, J.W. (1963) Description of two new species of Grylloblattidae and of the adult of Grylloblatta barberi, with an interpretation of their geographical distribution. 56, 53–68.
- Kim, B.-W. & Lee, W. (2006) Redescription of the largest ice bug, Namkungia magnus com. nov. (Grylloblattodea, Grylloblattidae) from Korea. 1359, 57–66.
- Kim, B.-W. & Lee, W. (2007) A new species of the genus Galloisiana (Grylloblattodea, Grylloblattidae) from Korea. 24(7), 733–745.
- Marshall, C.J. & Lytle, D.A. (2015) Two new species of Grylloblatta Walker, 1914 (Grylloblattodea: Grylloblattidae) from western North America, and a neotype designation for G. rothi Gurney 1953. 3949(3), 408–418. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3949.3.6
- Namkung, J. (1974) A new species of Galloisiana (Grylloblattidae) from Kosudong-gul Cave in Korea. 4(2), 91–95.
- Namkung, J. (1974) A new species of cave dwelling Grylloblattoidea (Grylloblattidae) from Korea. 4(1), 1–7.
- Namkung, J. (1989) One new species of the genus Galloisiana (Notoptera: Grylloblattidae) from Korea. 2(2), 53–58.
- Pravdin, F.N. & Storozhenko, S.Y. (1977) A new species of the Grylloblattida (Insecta) from the Southern Maritime territory. 56(2), 352–356.
- Rasnitsyn, A.P. (1976) Grylloblattidae: modern representatives of the order Protoblattodea (lnsecta). 228, 273–275.
- Schoville, S.D. (2012) Three new species of Grylloblatta Walker (Insecta: Grylloblattodea: Grylloblattidae), from southern Oregon and northern California. 3412, 42–52. Available at http://www.mapress.com/zootaxa/2012/f/zt03412p052.pdf
- Schoville, S.D. (2014) Current status of the systematics and evolutionary biology of Grylloblattidae (Grylloblattodea). 39(2), 197–204.
- Schoville, S.D., Uchifune, T. & Machida, R. (2013) Colliding fragment islands transport independent lineages of endemic rock-crawlers (Grylloblattodea: Grylloblattidae) in the Japanese archipelago. 66(3), 915–927.
- Silvestri, F. (1927) Contribuzioni alla conoscenza dei Grylloblattidae. 20, 107–121.
- Silvestri, F. (1931) Notes on Gryllo-blatta campodeiformis and a description of a new variety (Grylloblattidae). 57, 291–295.
- Storozhenko, S.Y. & Aristov, D.S. (2014) Review of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic Families Megakhosaridae and Blattogryllidae (Insecta: Grylloblattida). 271, 1–28. Available at http://www.biosoil.ru/fee/2014/N-271/N-271.pdf
- Storozhenko, S.Y. & Park, J.K. (2002) A new genus of the ice crawlers (Grylloblattida: Grylloblattidae) from Korea. 114(June), 18–20.
- Storozhenko, S.Y. (1986) Grylloblattida (Grylloblattodea, Notoptera). pp. 236–239.
- Storozhenko, S.Y. (1988) A review of the family Grylloplattidae [sic] (Insecta). 3(5), 167–181.
- Storozhenko, S.Y. (1995) To the knowledge of the genus Grylloblattella (Grylloblattida, Grylloblattidae). 10, 19–20.
- Storozhenko, S.Y. (1998) In Sistematika, filogeniya i evolyutsiya grilloblattidovykh (insecta; Grylloblattida) [Systematics, phylogeny and evolution of the grylloblattids (Insecta: Grylloblattida)]. Dal' nauka, Vladivostok. 207 pp.
- Storozhenko, S.Y. (2002) Order Grylloblattida Walker, 1914. In History of Insects. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 278–283.
- Vrsansky, P., Storozhenko, S.Y., Labandeira, C.C. & Ihringova, P. (2001) Galloisiana olgae sp. nov. (Grylloblattodea: Grylloblattidae) and the Paleobiology of a Relict Order of Insects. 94(2), 179–184.
- Walker, E.M. (1914) A new species of Orthoptera forming a new genus and family. 46, 93–99. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/3089008#page/103/mode/1up
- Walker, E.M. (1937) Grylloblatta, a living fossil. 26(Section 5), 1–10.
Descendants and synonyms
Names | |||
Rank | Total | Valid | Invalid |
family | 2 | 1 | 1 |
genus | 12 | 9 | 3 |
species | 47 | 38 | 9 |
subspecies | 10 | 6 | 4 |